Welcome To My World

I'm a wife and mom to 4 beautiful children and I'm in to too many things! I look forward to sharing my life with you... my love for Jesus Christ, fun with makeup, passion for cooking & food, special times with my family, saving money with coupons and more!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Gift From God: Part 1

WOW did this blog start a different way! I just spent the last hour writing things I thought were from the spirit and realized I was being led more by human emotion rather than spiritual guidance. I also realized I had so many thoughts going at the same time, I was not doing any of it justice by rushing through them and not giving them my heart. So, I decided to do this in parts, as I feel so moved, and this first part is touching on what I just felt... Giving God your full heart. 

God has given each of us special gifts and what is so magnificent about our Lord is His awe-inspiring handiwork by making each of us so different, including those gifts.

I'm sure we've all had times in our lives where an occasion has presented itself in which we find it appropriate to present someone else with a present, or gift. Usually that occasion is marked as "special" by some kind of event whether that is a birthday, graduation, anniversary, wedding, or other. Depending on the person and/or situation, we tend to put more or less effort in our decision making of a gift. Now, I am not at ALL talking about monetary value with these gifts, I am speaking of the heart behind it. I mean let's be honest, if gift giving was about money, God would have made us all filthy rich!... AMEN?! If we are really close with a person or if an event is close to our hearts, we tend to put much more thought behind our gifts than if that were not the case. 

With all that in mind, remember that God created us. I don't, for one second, believe that when He creates a person, that God just passes gifts out randomly as if we are strangers lined up on a conveyor belt. I believe that just as God chooses to give each of us life, He gives each of us very special and personal gifts. There is nothing random about these gifts. These gifts are meant to bless your lives, bless the lives of others, and most importantly: guide you on your path to a full and glorious relationship with His son, Jesus Christ. (Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to write more on my thoughts about that later!) Think about it. With the complex nature of the universe, to me the mere thought that God would be careless or disorganized in his issuing of gifts is an absolutely ridiculous thought.

Now, with all that being said about God's gifts to us, think for a moment about how you are giving gifts or honor back to Him. As imperfect humans we cannot even begin to touch the perfection of our God, but there is definitely something to be said for putting your WHOLE heart behind our gifts back to Him. If we were to give a gift to the person we are closest to here on earth, I would venture to say that person would be much more moved by a meaningful gift, with thought and love behind it, in a box that is almost too small for the gift, with uneven wrapping paper. The effort and love you put behind that gift will leave them blind to any imperfect wrapping. If you chose a random gift that meant nothing to you or the other person, it doesn't matter what you wrap it in... it doesn't feel good when it's opened, especially since it's supposed to be coming from someone close to you. It can feel empty

Are you giving empty gifts to God in what others may see as beautiful wrapping paper? The funny thing about this, is that God sees the insides, the core, of your gifts without even having to unwrap it. God sees through your fancy wrapping paper. God wants gifts that are full of your heart. He wants gifts that are prayerful and thoughtful no matter how it looks to others. What happened to faith? If we put our trust and faith in Him and devote time, prayer and preparation to our gifts to Him, God will see your faith and those gifts will SHINE and be more beautiful than anything that was just thrown together with haste and human arrogance. Maybe not immediately, but eventually, these empty gifts you are presenting to the Creator of the universe, and presenting to others on behalf of Him, will leave you feeling spiritually empty yourself. 

"...For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7

**Edited to clarify my use of the word "gift". When I use this word I am referring to anything we GIVE to God whether that be prayer, sacrifice, or service.**

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